From Flter to GL-iNet MT300N


In February 2018 I bought the Flter, a portable router to protect your privacy. I never really used it, I immediately realized I threw 100euros! The really cheap case and bad software convinced me that this product was overpriced!

For over a year I put the product with its box in the closet, I had forgotten! Better to forget the wrong purchases! 🙂

By cleaning my technology closet I found it again, so I decided to disassembly it!

First, I noticed that the case is empty for about 60% of the space!

For portable device all this empty space is absurd! Very absurd!

So I have decided to retry this product, but I didn’t remember the password for admin panel. I reset the device and…surprise!

To complete the restore, the device must be connected to the official website “”, which no longer exists!  Angry, very angry! I really thought about throwing it!

So I decide to analysis the mainboard of its, with surprise I see the sign “GL-MT300N_v1.3”!

Mainboard of Flter

So they used a 15euro GL-iNet device, they changed the firmware and aesthetics and sold it for 100euros! I feel stupid, I think I fell into a scam.

I decide to keep only the mainboard, I put that useless case in the recycling.

Now I must succeed to replace the Flter firmware with the original GL-iNet firmware! I can’t login with the admin panel because the restore procedure is not complete.

I’m stuck on this screen, the site no longer exists.


Looking at the documentation of GL-iNet, I discover the possibility of doing a firmware upgrade through the debrick procedure.

I’ve downloaded the last firmware (I select pre-leases options) and I followed the procedure! Fantastic I have the device working again, with an good firmware!

GL-MT300N Firmware 3.026

Now I need a small case, similar to the original to carry comfortably! Do you have any ideas?

Finally I realized that I don’t have to trust all these fantastic project on crowdsourcing platforms!

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18/11/2020 11:10

Thanks a lot Andrea!
Your article saved my day! I was stupid enough to back Flter for 2 of these routers and your tips allow me to re-purpose them. I actually used 1mm plexi glass to build a case myself.


Last edited 3 anni fa by Tom
10/07/2024 22:03

Planning to 3D print a case for my board! Thanks for the article!